January 19, 2023
USBR Continues to Defers Water Release Down the Santa Ynez River
Next update is expected Saturday, January 21, 2023.
January 19, 2023 (11:00 am)
United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR or Reclamation) provided SYRWCD the following update:
The Lake continues to rise at a gradual and very managable pace with a 1 foot increase of elevation change between January 17th and 18th, with a computed inflow of about 2,987 acre-feet which converts to about 1,500 cfs. Reclamation understands that the "safe" river channel capacity is 18,000 cfs. However, their goal is to release no more than 8,000 cfs. For current conditions, the spillway target release rate remains unchanged at 2,000 cfs but the initiation is dependent on subsequent forecasts & operational conditions.
The 10-day weather forecast and current Lake Cachuma storage conditions indicate that for flood related purposes Reclamation can continue to defer Bradbury Dam spillway releases for about 4 - 7 more days.
Reclamation will continue to monitor conditions around the clock and will provide another update on Saturday, January 21st, unless there is a need to provide an earlier update.

United States Bureau of Reclamation
Cachuma Daily Operations Table
Here is a LINK to Reclamation's Cachuma Daily Operations Table: a daily summary of storage, inflows, and quantity of water released per outlet location from Cachuma Reservoir.

Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District
January 2023 Storm - River & Reservoir Updates

Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Management
Here is a LINK to January 2023 Storm updates, preparedness, and Recovery Resources.